Novel Coronavirus spreads across the world

Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

At the beginning of December 2019, a new virus began spreading in Wuhan, China. It developed from an exotic animal market that is popular among the wealthiest of the Chinese. Soon the virus spread throughout the region and all over the globe. It is unclear when this global pandemic will end, but experts know that it will end later, rather than sooner.
According to John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, the United States leads the world in confirmed cases of the virus. As of April 3, 2020, there are 261,438 cases in the United States, with major hotspots being New York, with over 100,000 cases, California, over 11,000 cases, and New Orleans, over 10,000 cases. Worldwide there are over 1 million confirmed cases and a death toll of over 58,000. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of cases worldwide is likely far greater, because many countries are not testing enough or not accurately disclosing their total confirmed cases with the World Health Organization.
Throughout the country there are shortages of crucial medical supplies like protective masks and gowns, ventilators and antibacterial soaps. This type of shortage has led to price gouging, which federal prosecutors across the country are combating, leaving many supplies in limbo that will then be redistributed. Similarly, the Department of Defense and National Stockpile of strategic goods are also being tapped in order to bring crucial protective equipment to the front lines of hospitals and medical centers in the most vulnerable areas.
So far, the state of North Dakota has seen 207 cases and three deaths linked to the coronavirus, according to the New York Times data center. While this number may seem small, it will surely grow. North Dakota is not supposed to see the peak number of deaths from coronavirus until April 20 according to The Hill, when nearly 200 North Dakotans will have perished from the virus, and that is with all precautionary measures like closing local businesses, instituting lockdowns, and remaining socially distant from neighbors and public places. Most of these measures have yet to be adopted by the North Dakota state government, so it will be difficult to gauge the true scope of the crisis until these plans are implemented.
But there are a few ways to combat the virus on your own. According to the CDC, people should not come within six feet of people outside their immediate family, stay away from large gatherings, go to grocery stores only when necessary, clean and disinfect their home and most importantly wash your hands. By implementing federal guidelines into your own lives, you will help keep yourself and others safe from the virus.
Even though we are in uncertain times, this pandemic will end. However, you need to be responsible in order to make sure it does not spread any faster than it already has. Staying optimistic and hopeful right now is important. Reach out to teachers and family if you are feeling the effects of social isolation or need any help at all. So, with that, here is a quote from David Orr, “Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.” Stay safe, stay hopeful.