Sophomore Profile Derek Jackson

Best restaurant in Fargo?
Taco Bell
Coolest teacher at North?
Mr. Erickson
Role model and why?
Grimace because he can eat a lot of burgers from McDonald’s
If you could have any superpower
Flying so I could get to Taco Bell faster
What’s your spirit animal?
Would you rather fly or drive to a vacation?
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
Sleep in
Favorite cereal?
Lucky Charms or Oreo-Os
Favorite Rowdy Crowd cheer/theme?
Funniest Classmate?
Nolan Astrup
What is one club/activity you wished existed at North?
Dream Job?
Robotic engineer
Plans after HS?
Go to NDSU probably for engineering
Morning or Night?
Introvert or Extrovert?
A mix of both
iPhone or Android?
None (note: he is an uncle to the pet of the month this month!)
Worst fashion trends?
Favorite song to sing in the shower?
Rubber Ducky Song performed by Bert from Sesame Street
Guys wearing jorts, yes or no?
That’s a fat no right there
Favorite Word?
“Taco” and “Bell”
Do you believe in the supernatural?
*laughs* I believe aliens could exist so kinda I guess

When was the last time you got a carwash?
Best thing about elementary school?
If you could live anywhere…
Are you in/interested in any clubs or activities?
DECA and Key Club
What sports are you in /do you like?
I like watching basketball and baseball
Favorite subject?
Favorite song?
All Star by Kidz Bop
Favorite memory from summer?
Sleeping in
Favorite Author?
Steven King or Eric Carle
What’s your comfort food?
Do you wash your jeans every time you wear them?
Do you match your socks?
How many snap streaks do you have?
Any hobbies?
Playing/listening to music, shooting hoops, video games
Favorite thing about quarantine?
Having nothing that needed to be done
Favorite music genre?
What’s your best quality?
“I’m not a narcissist”
Favorite movie?
Do you know all the words to our school song?
Yes (makes big sissy proud)
What’s the best part of not being a freshman anymore?
Not getting toilet paper thrown at you (at pep fest last year)
Hybrid Learning or Zoom Academy?
Hybrid learning
Favorite thing about being back in school?
Seeing friends
Favorite Fall drink?
Apple cider
Favorite thing to do in the Winter?