Best restaurant in Fargo?
Noodles & Company
Favorite teacher at North?
Mrs. Strand
Role model and why?
My parents and grandparents cause they’re really good people and hard workers
Favorite Rowdy Crowd cheer or theme?
I don’t know anything about Rowdy Crowd other than that it’s an Instagram page
Funniest Classmate?
Luna Gasevic or Violet Smith
Dream job?
Actress or Forensic Anthropologist
Plans after HS?
Get general credits at NDSU then transfer to Northwestern University in Illinois
I had a fish named Herbert Von Pickleface who punched snails but he died
What nicknames have you been given?
Hannah Alice
Best thing about elementary school?
Not much. Probably the required art class
Favorite class?
I would say Theatre but I don’t have it this semester. I do have a preference for Latin though
Are you in any clubs or activities?
Knowledge Bowl, Science Olympiad, Theatre, JCL
What sports are you in /do you like?
I like cross country/track and dance/gymnastics
What instruments do you play?
Violin, and I sing
Any hobbies?
Reading, painting, cooking, sewing
Do you know all the words to our school song?
At one point yes? Right now I can’t remember them off the top of my head but I know the gist
What was your favorite school year so far?
Probably this one! Because it’s a FRESH start with a lot more independence
What other countries have you been to?
What are three adjectives you’d use to describe yourself?
Anxious (that should be bolded, underlined, in italics), intelligent, and creative
What is your favorite animal?
Probably a sea turtle or a lemur
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
For violence in schools to stop
Singer you want to see most in concert?
Guys don’t come for me but Taylor Swift
Favorite show to binge-watch?
‘Brooklyn Nine Nine’ or ‘The Walking Dead’
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Honestly, I don’t know but it was pretty wacky of me when I ate alligator and shark once at a restaurant
What’s your biggest fear?
Being a failure, and also what comes after death
Extrovert, Introvert or Ambivert?
I would say I’m an ambivert
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Warsaw, Poland because my late grandpa was Polish and it’d be cool to be a part of the country’s history
What is your average screen time report for this week?
A little under two hours
Do you read for fun?
Mystery, horror, fantasy, anything that piques my interest
What’s your lucky number?
47 is my favorite number cause it rolls off the tongue really well
What’s a sport you played when you were little but quit?
I did cross country until eighth grade. Also soccer. And I had to quit gymnastics because of COVID but I can still do a cartwheel
Favorite type of music?
Musical theatre or oldies like 50s/60s
Favorite classic book?
Any ‘Sherlock’ story
What are you looking forward to this year?
Being able to be a part of theatre all year round
What is the least interesting thing about you?
I have brown hair
What is your go-to Karaoke song?
Candy Store from ‘Heathers’
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
I don’t want anyone to feel targeted but when people ask how to do really simple things
What’s your comfort food?
Creamette spaghetti or angel hair with Prego marinara sauce and Essential Everyday grated parmesan cheese
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
CAUTION: EMANATES ANXIETY. Stay away if you want to be happy
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
My brain says sleeping alone and sad in a gutter but where I want to be is doing forensics or theatre
What is a difference between North and M.S.?
North is a lot more chaotic during passing time and before and after school but you get a lot more independence. Also, I feel like I get judged by upperclassmen more
What is your favorite part of HoCo week?
Dress-up days
Favorite ‘trick or treat’ treat?
Any fruit-flavored hard candy
Favorite Halloween/Horror movie?
‘The Conjuring’
PSL yes or no?
I’ve never had it but it kind of sounds disgusting
Freshman profile: Hannah Wiltse
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