Crystal Pepsi Curse finally broken for Boys Soccer

Kelli Sitzler

Boys Varsity finished this season with three wins, which is better than any other North team in the past five years.

Crystal Pepsi Curse is finally Broken

The boys soccer team has completed 5 seasons without a single varsity win. They still believed the Crystal Pepsi Curse was affecting them, until August 18, 2020, their prayers were answered. Fargo North pulled off their first win in their opening game against Shanley.
“I felt amazing and extremely happy, because we were able to do what teams before haven’t been able to do,” said senior captain Maycoll Johnson.
After their 60+ game losing streak, they came out with a 3-1 win. Though Shanley outshot North 17-11, senior goalkeeper and co-captain Drew Nelson held them off with 16 saves in net. Junior Isaac Cody made all three of North’s goals in this game.
“The win felt amazing starting off the season 1-0, and it showed us right away that we know we can win, which gave us a boost of confidence,” Cody said.
Their record as of September 12 was 3-8-0, with their wins both against Shanley, and one miracle win against West Fargo. One of their games on September 15 against Grand Forks Central was full of excitement and disappointment. The entire first half went scoreless, then #15 on the opposing team scored a goal. North kept playing hard throughout the entire game, and had many close shots on goal. Finally, in the sixty-ninth minute of the game, Cody scored tying up the game.
“Going down 0-1 after being tied all game really just ruins the momentum so scoring brought our heads up and gave us another push to try and win,” Cody said.
Unfortunately, #15 scored again towards the end of the game. North had a couple more opportunities to tie it up in the remaining minutes, but wasn’t able to put this game into overtime.
Though the boys soccer team has won triple the number of games they have in the past five years combined, it wasn’t enough to send them to state. Their season ended with a final game against Sheyanne on September 29. The boys record for the year was 3-10-0, and everyone at North High is very proud of what they accomplished this season.